Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tribute to Steve

On March 30, we held our Court of Honor in which Steve Neeley was awarded his Eagle Scout.  As a tribute to him, here are some pictures from his camping career through the years.

Thanks Stevie for your service, leadership and participation.  We had some great times.  The memories will last a lifetime.  I just wish I had a camera sooner.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I haven't updated this in a while mainly because I was waiting on pictures. Shortly after Christmas I misplaced my camera (which has now been rectified with the purchase of a new camera). I had to rely on others for pictures and one outing we have none. Anyway, lets get up to date.

We took a day hike in January along the Beaver Creek on the very Eastern edge of Ohio near a little town call Fredrickstown. The hike is about six miles total. It was a warm day for January - much of the ice was broken up along the creek. Above is the group with Shane playing with ice.

This is a picture of the "washtub" area, a popular area for floating on innertubes. It was a tad too cold for that this day.