Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Court of Honor September 2009

Tonight was a Court of Honor for our Scout Troop. As you can see we had two tables of awards. The picture on the left were the handouts from summer camp. The summer camp theme was about Space. NASA loaned several things to the summer camp for display. The scouts who went got some pretty cool pictures and patches. The picture on the right shows the merit badges and rank advancements. The broom was the award we earned for perfect camp inspections for the week.

To the left is Tyler receiving his merit badges from Senior Patrol Leader Steve and on the right is Steve walking away with the merit badge he earned (communications).

Here we see Quintin and his mother - he is trying to pin the mother's pin for his star rank advancement. Zach is picking up his merit badges that he earned at camp.

On the left is Brett pinning the Mother's pin on his mother with his Dad behind him. Brett earned Star rank. On the right is Kenny pinning the Tenderfoot pin on his mother. Kenny is perhaps the most excited scout I have ever met. He could barely wait for the court of honor - he was so excited to get the awards. Kenny joined our troop this past summer and has worked hard.

Shane is one of our newest scouts so he gets two pictures. He earned his Scout patch and is on his way to Tenderfoot. We have three new scouts. Eli was sick tonight and could not make it to the meeting and Caleb needs to complete his paperwork. We look forward to working with these young men as they continue their Scouting experience.

Justin is picking up his Second Class rank with his Mother. Lastly I had to throw in a picture of socializing after the Court of Honor. The cookies and milk were good. Thanks to all the parents. The next activity is the Camporee next month.